
A young man... woman... kid... thing... stands in their bedroom.
Your guess is as good as theirs. It seems they walked into the room to grab something, but seemingly forgot.
Fortunately(or unfortunately) for them, this happens quite often so it does not inflict any sort of panic.
What might be the name of this young teen?

> Enter name.

Enter name.

Your name is MYOSO, or better known as abnormalMyosotis practically anywhere online.
Hold on.... that name is five letters instead of the four. Thats okay, you're just a bit quriky in that case.
You are a MINOR, born on December 31st. You don't identify with any gender in particular, but you say you're AGENDER and go by ANY or ALL PRONOUNS just for the simplicity of it. You tend to think of yourself as a walking CONTRADICTION.
You have a variety of INTERESTS and PROBLEMS. You tend to be interested in a lot of things to the point where you cant even REMEMBER them all anymore. Not that you could remember well in the first place.
What will you do?

> Try to remember interests.

Try to remember interests.

Using what little brainpower you have, you started to list off the things you LIKE to do.
Of course, the easiest things to remember were the ones you did regularly, like DRAW and LISTEN TO MUSIC. You don't have any particular taste, more so focusing on the BEAT OF THE SONG rather than the lyrics. This causes you to listen to songs that go against what topics you're comfortable with, but that's okay with you because you love some SICK BEATS.
Thinking a bit harder about the topic, you remember you also like to GARDEN, SKATEBOARD, BAKE, COSPLAY, PHOTOGRAPH THINGS, ARCHERY, and look for BUGS.

> Go over boundaries.

Go over boundaries.

To the annoyance of others, you tend to have a pretty CARELESS and CHILL attitude. Not careless in the way that you have no awareness for others or yourself(at least not for the most part), but careless in the way that you do not have many opinions on things. You couldn't care less about what people do, as long as its ETHICAL and SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE.
But despite that, you still do have types of people you'd like to avoid talking to. You are free to interact as long as you;

> Dont fit within BASIC DNI criteria(homophobic, transphobic, racist, zoophile, ableist, etc)
> Are not a shitty person and can respect other people even if you don't agree with them
> Dont steal art or tace and claim it as your own

> Look at computer.

Look at computer.

You pulled out your phone, taking a moment to admire the TEREZI PYROPE phone charm you have on it made by the artist Gekkonidart on ETSY.Admireation aside, you unlocked your phone to be greeted with a tab to every single one of your socials open. How neat!
> Discord; abnormalmyosotis
> Pronouns Page
> Spacehey
> StrawPage

> Scratch that.